
European Skills for International Trade & Logistics
Approaching the end … and preparing a new beginning…
Wednesday, May 10 | Thursday, May 11
The final ESITL project meeting was held on the 10th and 11th of May 2023 in CECOA, Lisbon, Portugal. ESITL is a project led by NETINVET that aims to facilitate the evaluation and recognition of learning outcomes obtained by vocational training learners during their study and internship mobility abroad in two specific sectors (international trade and transports & logistics).
During the project meeting the multistakeholders partnership (from 4 different European countries) came together to finalise the project results and get them evaluated by a Scientific Committee composed by competent authorities in the field of training and qualifications.
In each country of the partnership (Germany, Spain, France and Portugal), a triad of stakeholders worked together, representing education and training providers (4), representative sectoral organisations (4) and competent authorities in the field of training and qualifications (4) as associated partners.
The ESITL Project is about finding a better strategy for validating the learning outcomes of the achievements during mobility. The Project is a strategic partnership project in the framework of the Erasmus+ program.
During these 2 days the plenary sessions were about tools to support qualitative mobility. All the partners were involved in providing the last improvements.
During May and June, events will be organised in each country to give visibility and spread the project results to external stakeholders, contributing to give project results a “new beginning” … somewhere else!
*Special thanks to our interns Sophie Peters and Lizzy ten Cate, students in mobility from the Dutch school AVENTUS (as CECOA member of the NETINVET network), who participated in the organisation of the meeting and wrote this article.