
30 member schools

Competent body for qualification

The competent body in Spain is, exclusively, each regional government.

Catalonia: Generalitat de Catalunya Comunitat Valenciana: Generalitat Valenciana Murcia: Consejo de Gobierno de la Región de Murcia Madrid: Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid.

NETINVET shared references

International trade:
The national qualification concerned is fully compatible with the shared reference at EQF level 5. CFGS de Comercio internacional / CFGS de Comerç internacional.

Transport & Logistics:
The national qualification concerned is fully compatible with the shared reference at EQF level 5. CFGS de Transporte y logística / CFGS de Transport i logística.

Transport & Logistics:
The national qualification concerned is fully compatible with the shared reference at EQF level 4: Catalonia:

• CFGM d’Activitst comercials en l’àmbit logistic,
• CFGM de Conducció de vehicles de transport per carretera.

Road Freight Driver:
The national qualification concerned is partially compatible with the shared reference at EQF level 4: Spain:

• CFGM de Conducción de vehículos de transporte por carretera.