Qualifications and shared references

Construction methodology for shared references
Choices made in Europe in terms of mobility during training are guided by the desire to respect the principle of subsidiarity that consists of preserving the sovereignty of each country in the European Union while developing their VET systems. This is why the construction of shared references in terms of qualifications is based on 'learning outcomes' and not training modules.In vocational education and training, the European approach entails ensuring the transparency of qualifications. This work has resulted in shared descriptors for qualifications:
- Description in terms of knowledge, skills and competences;
- Positioning vis-a-vis each other in the interpretive structure provided by the European Qualification Framework.

How does the network work?
Based on previous European projects, partner countries have developed four common professional profiles: import and export sales assistant and three profiles in transport and logistics. Using these profiles, shared qualification references have been developed.
These shared references can be used by each partner country to construct training units that bring together units of learning outcomes in accordance with applicable legislation in each country.
These shared references facilitate comparison of training programmes in the different countries as the national competence standards were built in the same format using same descriptors (see methodology on the left hand side). These references are used for recognition of units of leaning outcomes in each partner country and to provide coherent qualifications and consistent training courses. The main objective of this approach is to facilitate learner mobility.
Learners may start their training in one Member State, thereafter completing one or more training units in a different training centre abroad (member of the network) and validate all or part of one or several qualification units in the host country.
Professional profile for the International Trade Operational Manager
This profile defines the scope of activity of the Manager and specifies its importance in the International trade sector.
This document provides details in the "description of the job profile in terms of activities and tasks" for any missions such an assistant may be assigned. This document describes each activity, breaks it down into tasks, lists the resources used to perform the tasks and their expected results.
Download the professional profile here:
Professional profile for the Transport & Logistics Operational Manager
Holders of the EQF level 5 qualification Euro Trans Log organise and manage transport operations and related logistical services on local, regional, national, European and international markets.
They optimise operations within the context of trade globalisation, taking into account the complementary modes of transport and sustainable development. In this context, they are responsible for both managing and leading teams.
Download the professional profile here:
Professional profiles at EQF level 4 in Transport & Logistics
Holders of an EQF level 4 qualification work within a company working in the field of transport or transport forwarding, in manufacturing companies (logistics or transport department/office for example) or in companies providing services related to distribution and e-commerce on a local, regional, national or international scale.This document describes 3 different professional profiles:
- Transport Technician
- Warehouse Technician
- Road Freight Driver
Professional profile for the Truck repair Technician
Currently under development.
Please contact us for more information.
Units of Learning Outcomes
The units of learning outcomes refer to the knowledge, skills and competences the learner has acquired and/or is able to demonstrate at the end of a learning process.
Each unit brings together a group of significant learning outcomes for a given professional profile. These units encourage module-based training. They are assigned credit points that may be transferred within the ECVET framework.
Please download here the common units of Learning Outcomes of NETINVET:
Training units
The training units are unique to each Member State. They are constructed in accordance with the specific regulations in force in each country in terms of producing training programmes and qualifications.
Partner countries from the NETINVET network offer all or part of the training for the common profile concerned. They are all committed to the approach focused on developing and recognising learner mobility.