European context and ECVET

European context
For over twenty years, Europe has seen a huge upswing of proposals and requests for mobility and students going abroad for varying periods. As a consequence, the European community has successfully developed several types of assistance for students and young learners from university or vocational training contexts, in order to facilitate access to mobility and to enhance exchanges.
Students and learners have access to several grants and exchange programmes (such as Erasmus+, OFAJ, international mobility grants, etc.), to finance all or part of their mobility and encourage personal development and employability.
Furthermore, the European Union (EU) is committed to developing tools to ensure recognition of knowledge acquired abroad, such as the ECTS system for higher education and the ECVET system for training and vocational training, as well as the comparison between different levels of education and training by the implementation of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
The role of NETINVET
NETINVET is part of this ongoing effort. It favours recognised mobility in vocational training and aims to promote the tools developed by Europe within its network.
This is particularly important considering that the development of a network built around mutual trust, as well as references shared and recognised by all members, remains a central and efficient mechanism to facilitate recognition of vocational training among European countries, an issue often impeded by differences in education systems and certifications.