Quality process within the network

The main objective of NETINVET network is to overcome fear and provide sufficient answers and information to facilitate and promote learner mobility.
To counter some of the common problems encountered during mobility while responding to various questions from different actors, the NETINVET network has implemented a quality process.
Quality process based on 3 pillars
- Shared references on qualification and training, built on a European scale, as recommended by the European Commission in the area of sustainable professionalization.
- A network of volunteer training centres directly involved in the implementation of quality assurance.
- A procedure for preparing, monitoring and evaluating mobility operations based on jointly developed quality charters, and ensuring transparency and respect for the network’s principles.
NETINVET quality charter for member training centres
The charter holds training centres to a quality process extending from mobility offerings to follow-up and assessment. It goes beyond course content to include the daily life of learners in mobility in an intercultural context.
NETINVET quality charter for hosting companies in mobility of learners
Each member training centre builds a network of companies specifically complying with all network requirements to offer high quality work placements to learners in mobility. To formalise the commitments of companies, a quality charter has been developed.
The charter addresses the academic, social and intercultural aspects of work placements. It does not replace learning agreements and contracts developed to cover each specific mobility operation.
NETINVET Label – quality assurance for network training centres
The NETINVET label is a guarantee of quality awarded to training centres once they have proven their ability to conduct mobility operations in accordance with the network’s quality process. It guarantees high quality for mobility operations with which the centre is associated. It is awarded by the association’s steering committee following a procedure of assessment and validation of the label items.
The label is awarded for a fixed term and interim assessments are scheduled. Training centres that no longer meet the conditions or no longer organise a sufficient number of mobility operations may forfeit the label.
The internet: a mobility tool
The NETINVET network also makes available to its members a portal for the organisation of learner and teacher mobility. This portal is divided into two separate spaces:- A public space, essential for the presentation of the network as well as awareness and understanding of actions and common objectives pursued by members.
- A private space dedicated to training centres and learners to organise mobility. This extranet mainly serves to facilitate communication among members and organisation of mobility operations – involving learners or teachers – by providing suitable interactive tools.
Network structure
The network and its member organisations are governed by the 1901 law on associations, ensuring the viability of NETINVET and its quality process, the organisation of mobility monitoring and assessment and, if necessary, the development of tools and broad dissemination of network culture.