Professionals and companies

The network is not limited to exchanges between training centres but also open to professional organisations and companies specialised in the sectors of transport & logistics and international trade.
The quality of different mobility opportunities offered by the NETINVET network stems at once from the work being done, the mutual trust among members, as well as the proximity and ties to the business world and the labour market.
Getting involved as a company
By participating in the development of the NETINVET network, they actively contribute to the achievement of learners’ training processes by providing practical foundations and concrete reflexes specific to the professional world, while promoting and facilitating the organisation of vocational training at the European level.Companies cannot join the NETINVET network in the same way as training centres, but they are nevertheless essential partners for promoting mobility in vocational training programmes by offering various periods of internships.
Thus, they contribute to training motivated leaners eager to acquire professional experience in another European Country by assigning them tasks that contribute to developing professional attitudes and skills.
Company participation takes the form of partnerships with training centres. Each centre helps to find work placements for their partners within the network by cooperating with local partner companies.
They guarantee the success of international internships and are the main contacts of companies looking to report questions or concerns. In order to fully play their training role within the network, companies must accept the quality charter.
The NETINVET certificate, a mark of distinction
Issued by the NETINVET network, this certificate distinguishes and rewards companies that are regularly and actively involved in the development of learner mobility, and thus in building the NETINVET network.This document is intended for companies that frequently host young learners during their mobility experience in the course of their vocational training, in the international trade or transport & logistics sectors. Thus, the certificate primarily attests to the quality of the reception in the company as set out in the network’s quality charter, signed by companies, as well as the value of exchanges with one or more member schools, while improving companies’ visibility and emphasising their openness to Europe and membership in a cross-border network. It demonstrates companies’ commitment as international training bodies.