European context and ECVET

What is EAfA?
Launched in July 2013 by a joint declaration between the European Commission, the EU Presidency and the European social partners, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) is a platform aiming to strengthen the supply, quality and image of apprenticeships in Europe.
This type of training combining periods of theoretical education and periods of practical work experience attracts many learners each year.
NETINVET – member of EAfA
On 22 June 2015, the NETINVET association undertook to support the European Alliance for Apprenticeships in promoting the image of learners, increasing and enhancing mobility of apprentices within its network.
The objectives of EAfA
Primarily managed by the European Commission, the Alliance is committed to promoting programs and learning initiatives in Europe, and encourages companies to promote support for young learners, while supporting cooperation and exchange of good practices. It specifically aims to support reforms and strengthen learning programs and systems that aim to enhance employability for young people.
The EAfA brings together many key stakeholders such as numerous Chambers of commerce, central governments, social partners, companies, education and training organisations (EFP), regional authorities, youth representatives and think tanks.